The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Recipe book is packed with everything you need to successfully start your own green smoothie cleanse. If offers step by step instructions that will help you embark on your journey to a healthier body. This book includes many delicious green smoothie recipes that will keep you from getting bored while you are on the green smoothie diet. Of course, this book offers much more than just green smoothie recipes - it also provides information on the benefits of doing a green smoothie detox, tips for getting started and signs that you need to try this cleanse.
What You'll Get With this green smoothie cleanse recipe book you'll get the following:
Whether you want delicious green breakfast smoothies, smoothies packed with protein or smoothie options that boost your immune system, you will find them all in this helpful recipe book. With more than 30 different smoothie recipes, you can enjoy a wide variety of flavors while on the green smoothie cleanse. Even after you complete the 10-day cleanse, you will still find these recipes useful, since you'll want to continue adding smoothies to your diet to continue losing weight or to maintain your weight loss results.