In The 21-Day Shred, Mike Simone and the experts at Men's Fitness call on decades of fitness, nutrition, and wellness research to create an intense, easy-to-follow program that will have your body burning fat and building muscle all day and all night. Discover how you can:
• Boost your sexual performance, energy levels, and even mood! Our balanced training, nutrition and lifestyle plan will cut stress and unleash testosterone, HGH, IGF-1, and other growth-factor hormones to boost mood, muscle, and sex drive!
• Make every workout easier and more effective! In one study, just 30 days of using this secret nutritional supplement made a college football team measurably stronger—and boosted their endurance.
With The 21-Day Shred, you'll be ready to strip away fat, build lean, hard muscle, and unveil a perfect, chiseled, shredded physique in just weeks.