It sounds almost too good to be true, but Japanese researchers have found that special antioxidants called polyphenols found in certain teas inhibit the body's ability to absorb fat by as much as 20 percent.
What's more, in a 10-year study of over 1,000 people, those who regularly drank black, green, or oolong tea had nearly 20 percent less body fat than those who drank none.
Now you can learn how you can tap the power of healthy teas to jump-start your metabolism and turn on your fat-burning hormones one delicious cup at a time in this exclusive Shape expanded edition of The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse. This new edition is packed with surprising info about the scientifically proven powers of weight-loss teas, tons of useful tips, and FIVE exclusive bonus chapters! You'll get comprehensive meal plans, delicious recipes, helpful shopping lists, easy exercises, a guide to herbal healing, and a foolproof strategy for using special teas to ease stress and improve sleep quality for burning fat calories at night. Plus, you'll learn 25 simple "diet enhancers" that'll speed weight loss and improve your health.
Food journalist Kelly Choi and the New York Times bestselling authors of Eat This, Not That! have created this special edition to show you how different forms of this healing plant can quickly help change your body and your life.
You'll begin with step-by-step instructions for conducting an easy 7-day tea cleanse. From metabolism-boosting green tea to fat-blocking white tea to the multi-powered chai, you'll learn how to time your tea intake throughout the day, ensuring your body is burning fat 24/7. All the while, you'll get to enjoy delicious tea-based smoothies and indulgent dinners (yes, you get to eat delicious foods on this cleanse!).
"I followed the plan for 7 days and lost 9 pounds!"—Jeanine Arenas, 31, Miami, FL
Next, you'll be guided through a remarkable 14-Day Green Tea Diet focusing on pairing green tea with delicious green superfoods that in combo target belly fat first! You'll learn about a special ingredient found in green tea—EGCG—which scientists say deactivates the genes that trigger fat storage and boosts your body's production of a natural hormone that quells hunger. Also in this section, you may choose to follow the optional exercise plan. Tighten and tone your trouble spots and boost energy with this simple, no-equipment program you can do in the privacy of your own home.
"I went from a size 20 to a size 16, and I'm alive with energy. This is not a diet or cleanse for me but a way of life."—Tracy Durst, 45, Lewistown, PA
Here are some of the amazing health benefits you can expect to start enjoying:
• lose up to 10 pounds of stubborn abdominal fat
Are you ready to look slimmer, healthier, and sexier than you have in years—in just one week? Then you're ready for this exclusive opportunity to tap the body-changing power of this turbocharged edition of The 7-Day Flat-Belly Tea...